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Detoxing Your Home with Plants

We all enjoy seeing wildflowers, grasses, trees and plants growing freely in the wild. These flora are one of the main contributors to clean, breathable air and life would not be possible without them.

The good news is that the benefits we get from plants does not have to be limited to the outdoors; we can bring many of the good effects into our houses by selecting the right indoor plants. Indoor plants come with many health and detoxing benefits, including fresher and cleaner air, improved mood, better memory and reduced risk of numerous illnesses. Plants are natural air filters that actively detoxify your home and only ask for a little water in return.

Counter-intuitively, the air pollution inside your office or home can be more harmful and toxic than the air you are breathing outside. Air quality inside your home is a very important factor to consider for your health. Taking steps to detoxify your home can help you and your family avoid serious illness.

There are various things you can do to improve the air quality inside your house. You can start by getting rid of any cleaning products that contain toxic chemicals as these are one of the main contributors to toxic air pollution in the home. Floor cleaners and air fresheners that contain harsh solvents and formaldehyde can saturate the air with damaging chemicals that may have an adverse effect on your health.

Make sure you keep the windows open whenever possible to let harmful chemicals pass out of your home. Another potential boost to the air quality can be derived from placing a few houseplants around your home.

Three plants that will help detoxify your home

Aloe Vera – Aloe vera plants are not only beautiful to look at, but they are effective air filters as well. Aloe Vera is often used for soothing sunburns, but it can also absorb the chemicals from your cleaning products. The plants act as an early warning sign of toxins by developing a brown spot if toxic chemicals reach too high of a level. Peace Lily – This plant absorbs various chemicals, including trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, and xylene. Peace lily plants can also reduce the air pollution inside your house, especially if you have pets. They can thrive in almost any part of the home and will need watering around twice a week. Rubber plant – With thick, deep green leaves, rubber plants can help to filter ammonia, benzene, and formaldehyde from the air. However, these somewhat demanding plants require constant deep watering and lots of light. Make sure your pets don't try to eat these as they can be harmful if consumed.



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