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148 items found for "blood sugar"

  • Natural Ways to Aid Detoxification

    The hot water brings blood flow to the skin's surface while the cold water directs blood flow inward

  • Coffee: What's The Verdict?

    Milk, cream, sugar, syrup etc. are all supplements that you should really avoid if possible and which

  • Bourbon Barbecue Sauce

    Make sure you use homemade ketchup rather than a shop bought variety to avoid overloading on salt and sugar

  • A Nutritional Therapist's Approach to Health, Fat and Cholesterol

    Know your blood pressure and have your blood lipid levels checked every 5 years.

  • Essential Vitamins 6 : Vitamin C

    nosebleeds Persistently low vitamin C levels have been linked to serious health conditions, including high blood

  • Essential Minerals 2: Copper

    A blood test will let you know for sure but here are some symptoms that can be a warning sign: Anaemia which is bound to ceruloplasmin) causes free radical damage to cells, DNA, proteins and lipids in the blood

  • 10 Snacks to Help You Detox

    Green apples are great for curbing sugar cravings. trail mix that you get from the shops may be filling but the processed sweets, chocolate, and high-sugar

  • Complete Healthy Dinner Party Menu 2

    NOTE: Although the meringue nests contain sugar, you are only adding a few small pieces per dessert.

  • Stress Revisited

    wreaking havoc on our health, disrupting nearly every system in the body and often resulting in: Raised blood

  • Cardiovascular Month

    When we have blood tests to assess cardiovascular health, which tests should we be asking for? the difference between HDL, LDL, VLDL and triglycerides to enable you to better understand your OWN blood Is your blood pressure above 140/90? Is your resting pulse above 80? Is your cholesterol above 5.5? Backed up with the necessary lifestyle changes, many people find rapid improvements in cholesterol, blood

  • Essential Vitamins 4: Vitamin D

    Vitamin D also helps to regulate blood pressure, maintain brain health, strengthen the immune system, that you may be vitamin D deficient, have your doctor or qualified nutritional therapist perform a blood

  • Healthy Dark Chocolate Macaroons

    These dark chocolate macaroons are quick and simple to make and contain no added sugar, so are a perfect

  • Addressing Constipation for Detoxification

    morning and, if that does not help, last thing in the evening as well Eliminating processed foods, sugar and foods that convert to sugar quickly such as refined carbs Increasing your intake of fibre by including

  • What's Going on With My Gut? Part 1

    How to find out you have a leaky gut Currently, the only reliable test for leaky gut is a 'blood zonulin However too much zonulin can lead to leaky gut and a blood test can determine whether your zonulin levels If you feel that you would like this blood test, the best option is to consult a nutritional therapist

  • Should I Cut Dairy?

    Dairy is often high in sugar. An average cup of milk contains around 3 teaspoons of sugar, which is half the recommended daily amount The sugar comes in the form of lactose. In the case of lactose-free milk, the lactose is broken down into glucose, another type of sugar, albeit

  • Ghrelin: How to Control Your Hunger Hormone

    Some of the other functions ghrelin is known to have a role in are heart rate, blood pressure, insulin

  • Stay safe from flu this winter

    Vitamin K2 is essential for directing calcium from the blood to the bones.

  • 6. Mindfulness

    have been reported in areas of eating disorders, binge eating, stress, anxiety, depression, pain, high blood

  • Superfoods: Microgreens

    One factor is our increasing consumption of processed foods that are advertised as low in fat, sugar,

  • Are All Fruit & Veg Created Equal?

    beneficial minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, but they are also a source of potentially problematic sugars Fructose, unlike glucose, does not circulate freely in the blood. Aim to eat as many low or medium sugar fruits as possible. But tread with caution when juicing fruits, due to the high sugar levels. Vegetables to avoid include artichokes, garlic, leek, shallots, onions, sugar snap peas, mushrooms etc

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