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148 items found for "blood sugar"

  • Are All Fruit & Veg Created Equal?

    beneficial minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, but they are also a source of potentially problematic sugars Fructose, unlike glucose, does not circulate freely in the blood. Aim to eat as many low or medium sugar fruits as possible. But tread with caution when juicing fruits, due to the high sugar levels. Vegetables to avoid include artichokes, garlic, leek, shallots, onions, sugar snap peas, mushrooms etc

  • Healthy Fats: Choosing Your Oils

    The elevated triglycerides in the blood linked to heart disease do not come from dietary fats, but are produced in the liver from excess sugars that come from carbohydrates, such as refined sugars and white contributing to heart disease is the excess consumption of vegetable oils, hydrogenated fats and refined sugars you choose real, full-fat and read the label as many yoghurts are low in fat and loaded with refined sugar

  • 10 Natural Ways to Increase Stomach Acid and Prevent Hypochlorhydria

    Blood is moved away from the digestive organs, resulting in less stomach acid and digestive enzyme production

  • How Can I Balance My Hormones?

    qualified nutritional therapist who will be able to arrange a series of conclusive tests that may include blood

  • Lifestyle Hacks for Stress Reduction

    including more healthy fats and protein (organic grass fed if animal protein) at each meal, avoiding sugar

  • Foods to eat on a Ketogenic Diet

    cheese, and cream cheese (make sure they are not labeled “low-fat,” those varieties include starch and sugar potatoes Products made from grains or flour such as pasta, crackers, cookies, and bread Sweets and sugar

  • Foods for a Leaky Gut

    Sugar. Bad bacteria love sugar. Yeasts like candida love sugar.

  • Prevention is Better than Cure: Food

    Foods that harm you – vegetable oils, most highly-processed foods, sugary drinks, most pizzas, white bread, most fruit juices (high in sugar), margarine, pastries, biscuits and cakes, chips and crisps, gluten-free junk food, processed cheese and meats, most fast food meals and anything that is high in sugar

  • 10 Simple Ways to Improve Digestion (And Lose Weight)

    This improves blood circulation, burns calories, and helps prevents cardiovascular diseases, diabetes

  • Keto Diet for a Healthy Brain

    Ketones are a healthier, safer and more efficient source of energy than glucose from sugar.

  • Tips for a Happy, Healthier Easter

    Try to avoid those made with white flour and refined sugars. If you have time, consider baking your own with wholemeal flour and substitute refined sugar with date sugar or, even better, stevia (a low calorie, natural substance, derived from the South American stevia

  • Essential Minerals 3: Iodine

    thyroid issues, ovarian cysts, fibrocystic breast conditions, breast lumps, allergies, fatigue, high blood

  • Should I go Vegan?

    Vegan diets are usually high in carbohydrates (carbohydrates break down into sugar and high-carbohydrate Does not limit sugar intake Not suitable for pregnant women Not suitable for those with type-2 diabetes

  • How to Protect Your Heart

    Reduce grains and sugars in your diet. Look out for upcoming articles on how to reduce your dependence on sugar without sacrificing the taste

  • What's Going On With My Thyroid? :Part 1

    Many GPs, however, do not test much further than TSH and T4 blood levels.

  • How much fat to eat on a Ketogenic Diet

    almonds = 6 grams of fat Avocado: 1 whole = 30 grams of fat Peanut butter (100% natural, unsweetened, sugar-free

  • There Is a Paradigm Shift Happening In The Healthcare World

    This study identified high blood pressure, smoking, alcohol consumption, diabetes, poor diet, lack of

  • Separating Fat from Fiction

    The food industry had been responding to this ‘low fat is good for you’ message by adding sugar to processed We know today that there are numerous studies coming out which implicate sugar as an independent risk factors for heart disease than LDL and cholesterol. 3 We have an epidemic of misinformation around fat, sugar

  • What's going on with my gut? Part 2: Acid reflux and heartburn

    When, for example, we consume certain aggresive foods, such as coffee, sugar, alcohol, onions etc, the

  • 7 Foods to Supercharge your Thyroid Health

    Consuming selenium naturally is a far better method of increasing selenium in the blood than taking supplements

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