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147 items found for "blood sugar"

  • The Mediterranean Diet: Made Simple

    will usually be safe to eat straight away, but always try to get hold of brands that have no added sugar of nutrition, but they are also incredibly flavorsome and, as such, are a replacement for salt and sugar If you can gradually wean yourself off the need for salt and sugar in your cooking, your taste buds will

  • Water

    day As you increase your water intake, decrease diuretics such as coffee, alcohol, fizzy drinks, and sugar-filled

  • The Benefits of Dietary and Lifestyle Changes

    Reduce sugar and refined carbohydrate consumption and increase saturated fats.

  • Statins: Analysing The Media Hype

    Journal of Cardiology evaluated numerous studies on cholesterol and statins, stating that the role of blood

  • Heartburn Medications: A Hazard to Your Health?

    Blood is moved away from the digestive organs, resulting in less stomach acid and digestive enzyme production

  • 3. Allow Yourself to be Happy

    treat depression and anxiety.[1] A balanced probiotic gut makes it easier to produce hormones that flood

  • Coffee: What's the Verdict?

    Milk, cream, sugar, syrup etc. are all supplements that you should really avoid if possible and which

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